
Love Like Jesus: Truth & Identity

So often we let the world, our faults, and our circumstances define who we are. Broken, insufficient, a mistake, never good enough... these are the lies we let define us.
What if despite our failures and shortcomings, we could be made new? That our names instead could be treasured, loved, made with a purpose?

As Jesus walked the earth, he corrected these shameful titles. He instilled in those he met that they were no longer defined by what they had done or what station they held. Freedom spilled out of his mouth and actions as he built relationships with and dined in the homes of those who were previously shunned. He cleansed the broken of their shame and gave them a new identity. He replaced hurts with hope as he said "do not fear, only believe" (Mark 5:50),  proclaimed lost children "not dead but sleeping" (Luke 8:52) and renewed ostracized lepers with the words "be clean" (Luke 5:13).

Most importantly, in his death and resurrection he washed us clean of our shortcomings and made the way for us to enter a new life, wholly loved and free of blemish.

In Him, we are no longer who we were.

I've had times in my life where I have been lost in these false identities and believe that they are truly who I am. I strongly remember the times that a friend has spoken the truth to me, and reminded me that this is not who I am; that I am loved and made new. That God has made me his own and has great plans for me.
We have the power to speak these truths to others, to love like Jesus and free the lost from lies that hold them captive and remind them they are fully loved, fully known, and washed clean. We can share that truth and help others live in their new identity, and experience the freedom of that new identity ourselves.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

This is the final post in my Lenten series, Love Like Jesus. Check out the first post on fellowship and the second on generosity for more thoughts and scripture on how we can love like Jesus.


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