
The Joys of Chaperoning a Middle School Dance

Every few months my husband and I get the opportunity to chaperone a dance at his school.

It's fantastic. Middle schoolers are in such a fascinating stage of life where they so desperately want to be cool, but also have no self control. They are tweens and total kids at the same time. They are a blast to watch and so fun to talk to.

As we frantically pour sodas, hand out pizza slices, and make change, I remember the joy and awkwardness of my middle school dances.

Here's a few of the little joys I've noticed:

They still play the same songs. Sandwiched between current pop hits, you still hear Usher's "Yeah" and "Party in the USA". I specifically remember Usher's 2004 hit being the most exciting jam at my middle school dance. It gets the next generation pretty pumped too!

It's a beautiful thing when kids are comfortable with themselves. While middle school is often a time plagued with insecurity and self consciousness, it's remarkable to see those moments where kids are dancing and laughing and having fun.

What's even better is when they bring those carefree moments out in each other. It was so fun to watch a big group of kids encouraging each other to dance- my favorite was during "Turn Down for What" when they all sat on the floor and jumped up at the peak of the song.

Time goes by SO fast. I crack up when I see 13 year olds slow dancing the length of their wingspans apart to an Ed Sheeran love song. But while I laugh, I remember that it wasn't so long ago that I was one of those middle schoolers having the most romantic moment of my young life.

Savor being a kid. I work at high school, and high schoolers are so different than middle schoolers. Just one year can make such a big difference. I hope tweens can appreciate their years before they are truly teens and have more responsibilities and pressures. A lesson for all of us to live in the moment and enjoy the phase we are in right now.

Volunteering together is awesome. It's fun to see my husband in his element with the kids he's teaching and building relationships with daily, and to see the students I taught for my brief stretch in middle school. It's exhilarating to see how well we work together running a mini-concessions stand, definitely something we've never tried before. Working well as a team is always a good marriage moment :)

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1 comment:

  1. It is so good to hear of the innocence that is still in their hearts! My kiddo is in 8th grade. Their school doesn't have dances, but next year they will. It already makes me nervous! lol! What a great thing for you and your husband to share together!
    Blessings and smiles,


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